Collaborative Divorce

The collaborative divorce process affords willing participants the opportunity to resolve their divorce issues outside of court, using shared resources such as mental health professionals (for assistance in formulating a parenting plan) and forensic accountants (to assist in equitable distribution, child support and alimony matters).

Each spouse comes to the process with his or her own counsel, and the attorneys and professionals work together with the parties to fashion a settlement that keeps the resolution of the case in the spouses’ own hands, and out of the judge’s.

Collaborative divorce is a transparent and cooperative process that attempts to keep dissolution as amicable — and private — as possible. Most pleadings filed in a traditional divorce (and information contained therein) never find their way into a court file, thus out of reach of the general public. There are no public hearings on contested issues for display in the public forum.

Both Theodore J. Rechel and Jennifer L. Todd are members of Next Generation Divorce. They have been trained in the collaborative process and have successfully handled collaborative cases. If you are interested in collaborative divorce as an option and would like to hear more, please contact our office to schedule a consultation with either Mr. Rechel or Ms. Todd.