You have already had conversations about divorce with your current spouse, but now you have to restructure the conversation and have it with your kids. What do you say?

Psychology Today may have a few answers to help you out. Learn how to break the news to your children in a way that is honest and reassuring.

Work together 

No matter what you decide to say to your kids, say it with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse present. This lets your kids know that even with their parents divorcing, both mom and dad choose to remain in their lives.

Stick to simple facts

No matter how young or old your kids are, you may be better off keeping the explanation as simple as possible. Specifically, you do not have to dive too deep into the particulars of the divorce, just how the split pertains to your kids and how they can expect their lives to change. It is okay to keep some details to yourself.

Focus on the positives

Understandably, your kids may start to cry or grow anxious when you share the news. In addition to consoling them, show them how the divorce is a good thing. For instance, their parents do not have to feel stuck in a marriage that is not working, which means that your kids do not have to see the two of you sad or arguing all the time.

Ask your kids how they feel

After breaking the news of the divorce to your kids, open the floor to them sharing how they feel about the news. Let your kids know that there is no right way to feel about divorce and that their emotions may change on a daily basis.

You do not have to feel lost talking to your kids about divorce. Put these tips to use and see how they benefit your situation.